
This is BUN.

I was tired yesterday. So, I joined two drinking parties and I have meeting with my customer after I came back. I could go sleep at about 5:00 o’clock…

But, yesterday, I had very good experiences.

I met a very famous person at the first drinking party.

WhyI thoughtI'll tryto meetthat person, I think his thinking is similar my one. Especially are “How can we communicate with children" & “Don’t want to lose".

There are many people in this party but I could talk with him 1 hour over. His seat was my side.

I’m lucky.

Recently, I always drink. I’m fat again.
If you think of me “What a waste money and times!", it is correct.

I can’t get some jobs easier.
But I’m still 40 years old and I’m not employee now.

I want to try everything that I could not try when I was just employee!!

So, I must get force more than now!!


Posted by DSBUN